Spot Check
thats wad YL and Amelia screamed about the whole day
I went to add in
although I didnt have any electronics
i still have YL's i-pod nano with mi
so I was worried too
Jian Wei decided that we should put it in the storeroom
But scared that the pekerja take it as 'recycable'
Plan A
Plan B
thn we decided to puut it in the firehose room
Jian Wei jumped in and acted like a cashier
except the fact that he was not taking money but electronics
for free
we went back to class
sat down
Teacher came
act normal
When I told Jian Wei that 6M has 30 phones kept my teacher
He ran upstairs with Brian
But it was useless because there were prefects
Went back to class
Jian Wei gave us back our electronics
Cause most ppl thinks that the spotcheck is fake
Say Kye Li's bro
Gave him a plastic bag
Put our stuffs in and call him to run away
Then the 6J teacher came and told us that the spotcheck was to check our socks and stuff
not electronics
and she also reminded us about wad happened to Tze Donn's blog
on Thursday
Yen Lings lbog only told u guys about sue min and Jian Wei
But she missd out A few things
Jian Weis hair fell into Sue Mins bottle
that caused her water undrinkable
Shin Lim told mi that the same thing happened to Brian
Jian Ting and Zhao Yin plucked some of their hair and put it inside Brians bottle
Jo yi told mi that there are 3 names for Jian Ting
Jian Ping
Jian Qing
and Jian Ting
20 June 2009
Posted by Rachael Ng at 10:59:00 AM