21 August 2009

This week was quite good.

Mon,had the assembly.Music teachaer wants us to sing those dumb malaysia songs.........

Tues, art teacher did not come again.Nice.But Yen Ling was crying for some reason that I dun wan to tell.Jia Ying and Jian Wei was in a bad mood too.I heard that Jo's involved too but not very interested in that.

Wed, me,daph,Yin Jue and a few girs ran the whole school.I mean walk.We keep on shouting to Cikgu Effendi who was teaching a nerby class.But we dunno if he got hear us or not.We saw Luo lao shi, she was actually quite good to us that I was gonna puke.Daph told me that maybe its because she hates our class, not us.Had music class again,I wonder why teachers just love spending time 'lecturin' and said that we wasted their time?Weird.Tied other ppl's hair at PPP.Teacher told us not to let the flag touch the floor.

Thurs,at the first Bahasa Jie, there was this Girl teacher which I dunno and dun care.At extra class, I was listeni9g to songs on Jo's electronic dictionary.With Evonne.Quite nice cause I was about to fall asleep.

Fri,Had this singing stuff.Everybody just said that they love America.Played wif flags.Because that it is a 'fake' flag, so we throw it.The class ppl call me to sue a lot of ppl these days, dunno why.But the saddest thing is that the trip t o Singapore is cancelled!!!!!!!!! But a few of my friends say that it depends after UPSR.If the H1N1 is already controlled,we can go.But if it's not not only that we can't go, more money has to be paid!Its freaking worse.At tuition (outside), I can't believe that Jian Wei would ask teacher Cheng a Q like this! : " Can I sing a song now?" Wad a stupid Q!

End.Hope I'm not babbling too much.BB.