10 September 2009

Today was the good and worst day ever.

Good because UPSR is finally over.
Worst because I broke up our friendship.

Now I finally realized that she has a'bigger' mouth than I thought.
Guess what
She went to tell some guys that me and Jian Wei was in a relationship.
Thats the main reason.
The 'bigger' mouth was also the reason.

Mon,was holiday.played com for the whole day.Countdown to freedom: 3 days.

Tues, UPSR was finally here.sucked at doing Penulisan.Countdown to freedom: 2 days.

Wed,Second day of UPSR. Still sucks at Penulisan. Countdown to freedom: 1 day.

Thurs, finally,the moment that we have been waiting for......Countdown to freedom: 0 day.

I told my mum about the freedom stuff.
She said: " I think you have freedom like.......everyday?Theres no difference."
Anyways,UPSR is over.Hope I can at least get 6 A's.