18 December 2009

Last Saturday, I went to Yin Jue's house. A FRIENDS meeting. So, I was the 1st to be there. Evonne and Bhanu is not coming. Daphne will be late.
We tried to watch Twilight but the DVD player got problem. So we use the computer to watch. Then Xidian and Xin Yi came. And then Daphne.
Yin Jue's mum made some tuna sandwich for us. Then we ate maggie mee. We love maggie mee.
After we watch Twilight, we watch Tokyo Revelation and Shunraiki. Then Daphne went home. My dad ordered pizza for us. Then we used the com.
Then Xidian went home, and Xin Yi too. So I was the last. Again.
I just talked with Yin Jue on the phone just now. We could always talked more than one hour. XD