Cheng Mun!!!!!!!!! You're do gawddamn cute!!!!!!!! Sorry I had to start this way but I really can't keep it inside anymore! Every part of u is very cute!!!!!! Your voice and face is the cutest! So lucky your voice haven't crack yet. Envy . . .No lah, I'm not green with envy. Sure you'll get a lot of friends/ fans when u grow up!
Yi En too! You both are absolutely perfect when sitting together! Good class students are high class. But surely, I feel real guilty about wad happened 2 u. Sorry! But just as I promised, I deleted it. Sorry!
Kay Lyn, Kay Lyn . . .wad should I say about u . . .sigh . . .I feel hopeless. But hello. Bang yi, yujun and everyone in this class does not know my blog except for u and Yi En. If u dun say, En dun say and I dun say, who would know?
And please, stop about the 'two is better than one' crap. Auditions over. And even if James ask me personally, I won't do it. Stage fright. Hahahahahaha . . . But i have to admit, he is kinda cute. Bluek ;3.
End . . .
25 January 2010
Addition to my friends in school.
Posted by Rachael Ng at 9:04:00 PM