Yesterday, we had a programme called PND. The stuffs we need to do was extremely easy. Just copy and copy and copy. Of course there was a part where we needed to know about our friends information.
Then, while the teacher was busy doing something else, Kay Lyn, Siew Jean, Pei Xuan, Yi En, Cheng Mun and I were talking about dictionaries. The conversation was something like this :
KL: Did you look up on your dic?
We all laughed.
KL: Wad did I say?
SJ: How high is your dic?
We all gave a hand-phrase of like . . . 10 cm.
KL: Width?
Same.10 cm.
KL: Walao. How u buy underwear?
SJ: Wait. How many do u have?
YE: 5.
RN: 4
SJ: Walao. How many boyfriends do u have?
Laughed lke crazy.
SJ: They really dun have size for underwear.
The conversation was something like that. Very sick. Luckily the teachers didn't notice. And by the way, PND means Pendekatan Nilai Diri.
13 January 2010
Posted by Rachael Ng at 10:43:00 AM