13 January 2010


Yesterday, we had a programme called PND. The stuffs we need to do was extremely easy. Just copy and copy and copy. Of course there was a part where we needed to know about our friends information.

Then, while the teacher was busy doing something else, Kay Lyn, Siew Jean, Pei Xuan, Yi En, Cheng Mun and I were talking about dictionaries. The conversation was something like this :

KL: Did you look up on your dic?
We all laughed.
KL: Wad did I say?
SJ: How high is your dic?
We all gave a hand-phrase of like . . . 10 cm.
KL: Width?
Same.10 cm.
KL: Walao. How u buy underwear?
SJ: Wait. How many do u have?
YE: 5.
RN: 4
SJ: Walao. How many boyfriends do u have?
Laughed lke crazy.
SJ: They really dun have size for underwear.

The conversation was something like that. Very sick. Luckily the teachers didn't notice. And by the way, PND means Pendekatan Nilai Diri.