Yesterday wasn't very fun. I was sweating bullets when I stepped into the school. Luckily, I made new friends immediatly. 8 altogether. My class was 1 Angsana. I knew that I was right about yesterday when I felt that something was wrong. I didn't receive the excerxise books I'm suppose to have at the orientation. So, I have to buy it all over again.
My class was very big. 48 ppl altogether. Except for the 2 who din come yesterday that makes 46. Same as the number of our old class. Yi En and Cheng Mun was sitting in front of me. Now I know that they were so quiet and I mean very quiet. You could see that they're mouth is moving but even when they're talking to me from less than a meter I still couldn't hear properly. That might be thought by Teacher Wei.
There was a girl called Wan Pei Xuan sitting beside me. She came from SJK c Sun Yuk. Never heard of that skool. She said that it costs half an hour to reah DJ. Wonder why but I forgotten to ask.
There were another two girls who's sitting behind me, Lee Kay Lyn and . . .someone else. Kay Lyn has a bit portion of Wei Jenn. But on the good side. She fancies Justin Bieber and Britney Spears. She's very dramatic and she's our naib pengerusi (I believe you know what's that).
And at the behind of them, is James and another guy. James is Kay Lyn's Standard 1 to Standard 6 friend. But it doesn't meant that she should just let him bully her! I called her to slap him but she said no because of their friend relationship. I have a friend like that and I still hit him in public. This guy must be something important. They both come from SJK c Taman Mega. Which rules most of our class.
Matthew is the monitor of the class. He is 'hitam' as they say. Which means Indian. Nothing much to describe about him. But he is quite dumb. He just keeps on asking Kay Lyn what to do.
Last but not least is my car friend. Her name is Liew Hui Xin. She used to be in Puay Chai. Now, she's in 1 Batai. SHe's the first friend I had in this school. We just came out of the car and poof, we're friends. Too bad she's not in the same class as I.
The school wasn't very confusing. When you start to know it. I just can't believe that the disiplinary techer is our Sejarah teacher. She's malay of course. Most of my teacher's are malay except for the chinese teaher. And a few Indian teacher's. I'm learning under 3 bangsa's which seems weird.
But now and then I still miss you guys! End of story, Rach.
05 January 2010
Middle school
Posted by Rachael Ng at 9:42:00 AM